Professional Career
Below you can read about our principles for action in the field of employment, our assessment-focused people management plan and our different training plans.
At CIE Automotive we place importance on people by respecting their fundamental rights, providing them with fair working conditions and fostering their capacity for initiative, creativity and innovation, participation and teamwork, their ability to achieve objectives and add value, and their positive attitude to change and continuous improvement.
Relations are based on mutual trust, respect and recognition of everybody’s dignity, as laid down in the group’s Code of Professional Conduct.
Statistics about our workforce
Job map at CIE Automotive (at year-end 2023)
Distribution of the workforce
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ISMS (Information Security Management System) Security Policy
30/08/2021 PDF
Different geographical talent
At year-end 2022, CIE Automotive had 24,986 employees in 18 countries on four continents, 514 more than the previous year. In all countries, it complies with prevailing labour legislation and adapts to the customs and practices of each area, in line with its Human Rights Policy. The management of this diversity is a priority for the company, which strives to find common points of cooperation between people from different cultures, to promote a sense of belonging and to achieve the assumption of a shared identity throughout the group. The search for cooperation between different cultures and the valuing of talent regardless of its place of origin is evidenced by the fact that 91% of the group's managers are nationals of the country of the plant they manage and 92% of the members of the plants' Management Committees are local personnel.
People with disabilities
People with disabilities account for 1.1% of the workforce: a total of 274 people with functional diversity in the Group, 8 more than in 2021. Although CIE Automotive strives to integrate people with functional diversity in all the Group's geographies, the level of inclusion depends to a large extent on the sensitivity of each country and the regulatory developments in each geography, as demonstrated by the 53 plant diagnoses carried out this year. Europe and Brazil stand out in terms of functional diversity, with the latter country presenting very notable percentages.
As a result of the diversity diagnoses carried out in 2022, the group is working on the following aspects:
1. Agreements with different institutions, such as the La Caixa Foundation, which enables the incorporation of people with functional diversity in the recurrent selection processes of the group's plants.
2. Corporate control and monitoring of progress and compliance with regulations in those countries with relevant regulations and history in this area of diversity.
3. Intra-country benchmarking in those geographies where the inclusion of people with functional diversity is less advanced, particularly in India. The idea of these benchmarking is to try to identify the actions that companies in these countries are carrying out to improve the integration of people with functional diversity in the aforementioned areas.
Women still make up a small proportion of CIE Automotive's workforce: only 18.4% of employees are women. However, the number of female employees has been gaining weight over time (16% in 2018) as new hires come on board. In 2022, 19.4% of new hires were women, one point higher than the current female representation in the workforce.
Masculinisation is a consequence of tradition in the automotive sector and limited female access to certain technical training in schools and universities. But there are also cultural barriers in certain countries that hinder female representation in the plants. Proof of this is that in North America women occupy 34% of the positions, while in Asia (India and China), for example, they only account for 5%.
The situation is also different according to professional category and hierarchical level. While the role of women is less relevant in the case of officers and middle management, the situation is different in leadership positions. In the Group's Steering Committee there are four women, representing 40% of the managers, while in the Board of Directors there are 5 women out of 14 members, which represents a percentage of 36%. Thanks to this high representation in the highest decision-making body, the company has been included in the IBEX Gender Equality Index.
In order to contribute to the long-term feminisation of the industrial workforce, CIE Automotive promotes technical training for women in schools by joining the STEM Planet project. This initiative, in which a number of industrial companies such as CIE Automotive participate, fosters scientific vocations and the development of technological skills through robotics.
A truly representative Diversity Committee
The 2025 Strategic Plan establishes diversity as a key human resources management issue. In line with the same philosophy of decentralisation that is applied in other areas, CIE Automotive aims to have a diversity and inclusion diagnosis for 100% of its plants by 2025. The sum of these diagnostics will provide an overall picture of diversity throughout the Group and will enable the appropriate corrective measures to be taken at both plant and Group level.
In 2022, 53 diversity diagnoses were made (50% of the plants in the group). Based on the data obtained, the plants themselves established action plans that will subsequently be followed up by the plant itself and the corporate Human Resources department. In cases where common problems were detected, corporate actions for several or all of the group's plants are being considered for the coming years.
The diagnoses are carried out through a common Diagnosis and Inclusion Tool, which measures gender, age, functional and cultural diversity; through diversity metrics and talent practices (recruitment and selection, promotion, training, remuneration, performance and rotation, among others), and a questionnaire on the practices at each plant.
Responsible for these diagnoses is the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee, created in 2021 and made up of fourteen representatives from all divisions and geographies. Each member of the Committee or delegate of the Committee in the plant shares the specific circumstances of their country, plant or division and sets objectives and action plans. These plans can be common (group) or individual (plant, country or division). Each case is considered on a case-by-case basis.
Quantitative Diversity target - ESG
- 100% of the group’s factories must have completed a diversity assessment by 2025.
The target, in accordance with the 2025 Strategic Plan, is to diagnose 100% of the group's plants by 2025 and, three years before the deadline, the company already has 50% of its plants diagnosed, meaning that it is on track to meet the group's objectives in this area.
CIE Automotive provides its employees with decent work, pay aligned with individual responsibilities and capabilities and training so that they can grow professionally in a safe and healthy environment. That value proposition is set down in the company's Human Rights Policy which stipulates the guiding principles for human capital management at all places of work:
CIE Automotive is governed by employment legislation in each country and by the principles of the United Nations Global Compact. Thus, it rejects child labour and forced labour in any form, allows no discrimination in employment and supports unionism and the right to collective bargaining. Employee relations are based on respect for others and transparency.
In 2021, 58% of the company's employees were covered by collective bargaining agreements that protect those rights and 41 collective bargaining agreements (at the regional, sectoral or factory levels) were signed at a number of manufacturing facilities.
CIE Automotive, S.A. makes cultural diversity, the struggle against discrimination and support for equal opportunities part of the way it manages its human capital. Our management model is based on respect for and compliance with universal standards in terms of both human rights and employment rights, respecting freedom of association and encouraging the existence of trade union representation on all its sites around the world.
See Harassment Prevention and Resolution Policy.
The health & safety of our employees is a capital issue for CIE Automotive for which big resources are devoted each year.
Occupational health and safety is managed on a decentralised basis. CIE Automotive has an outside safety service that covers the four legally-stipulated areas of accident prevention expertise and a health and safety officer at each of its productive facilities, more than 100 people worldwide in total.
That effort is shored up by a corporate health and safety department which regularly audits the factories and serves as contact point for issues related with occupational health and safety.
At the factory level, the safety staff inspect the adequacy of the company’s facilities, conduct emergency evacuation drills, provide training, assist with incident investigations and carry out awareness drives.
Health and safety training
Employees receive safety training tailored to the risks posed by their jobs. Hours dedicated to health and safety training amounted to 196,222 in 2022 and were given to 12,845 Group employees (10,041 men and 2,804 women).
Accidents and injuries
In the course of 2022, there were 368 accidents, of which 56 involved women and 312 involved men, a clear decrease from the 447 of the previous year (382 for men and 65 for women). Of these accidents, 356 were minor and 12 were classified as serious, with no fatal accidents.
A total of 22 occupational diseases were recorded (16 men and 6 women) compared to 29 in the previous year (26 men and 3 women).
Frequency and severity rates continued to fall to historic lows, despite the undeniable additional risk posed by the pandemic. Thus, the severity rate in 2022 has been reduced to 0.13, while the frequency rate is 6.82.
As for subcontracted workers, no serious or fatal accidents were recorded.
In its Strategic Plan, CIE Automotive has set a target of having 100% of its plants certified to ISO 45001 by 2025, the international standard for occupational health and safety management systems designed to protect workers and visitors from occupational accidents and illnesses. Following this strategy, a Group-wide certification rate of 90% has been achieved by 2022, 95 sites are certified and it should be noted that three of the sites not yet certified are relatively new. Therefore, we do not consider at risk the Group's objective according to the Strategic Plan 2025 whereby we were obliged to obtain ISO 45001 certification at 100% of our sites by 2025.
During 2022, 10 sites in Slovakia, Mexico, USA and India were certified.
CIE Automotive has a people management model in which the skill profiles of the workforce are defined and the performance of managers, supervisors and experts is assessed, at the same time identifying areas for improvement and designing career and training plans through a personal development programme.
On the basis of the company’s values, employees’ skills are assessed in eight categories: Focus on results, customer relations, proactiveness and innovation, teamwork, decision-making, flexibility and leadership.
Employee remuneration
Employees are paid a fixed salary, in line with the nature of the job they perform and the assessment of their performance. 7,340 employees also received a variable salary or bonus as a result of the positive assessment of the objectives set, excellence in their duties or higher performance, which is assessed through the Professional Development Plan (PDP) tool.
The remuneration of CIE Automotive's employees meets and, in many cases, exceeds the minimum salary requirements in each country. This is verified by the Corporate Human Resources Department when an acquisition takes place in order to corroborate compliance with the law and to bring employees' rights into line with those of the rest of the Group.
Apart from salary, the company supports employees with a series of support measures, which improve their quality of life and that of their families and generate a sense of belonging among employees. These measures have led to an investment of more than 30 million euros in 2022:
The people who work at CIE Automotive are the driving force behind the company's sustainable profitability. That is why CIE Automotive empowers its professionals, offering them opportunities for growth through training and mobility.
Over the course of 2022, 812,332 training hours were delivered, more than 100 thousand more than in the previous year. The breakdown of training hours by category was 25,015 hours for managers, 223,042 for graduates and 564,275 for officers.
Although the majority of the employees who received training are men - 82% -, due to the masculinisation of the workforce, the number of training hours for women (48 training hours per trained woman) is higher than for men (38 training hours per trained man). This circumstance is repeated in all geographical areas.
The company has a Training Plan Procedure which outlines all the phases to be followed in designing such plans at each of the group's plants: identification of needs, planning, definition, implementation, evaluation and feedback. In addition, at corporate level, an open proposal is submitted annually to CIE Automotive's plants, outlining all the training initiatives to be carried out centrally in the coming year, such as advanced management and interpersonal skills training sessions for people with specific skills and/or potential, ESG training, training on the Code of Professional Conduct or similar.
ESG Training
Social, Environmental and Governance (ESG) training for plant management teams is one of the priority objectives of the Strategic Plan, which envisages training 100% of the members of plant management committees worldwide by 2025.
At 31 December 2022, 490 of the 545 members of CIE Automotive's plant management committees had received ESG training, which means that 90% of the members of the Group's management committees have received ESG training and are therefore close to meeting the target of 100% by 2025, as set out in the 2025 Strategic Plan. This percentage is also significantly higher than the 2021 figure of 67%.
In addition, corporate training was provided to the sales teams and in the coming years, in response to the opinion of the plants in the diversity and inclusion diagnostics on "Management Sponsorship", it is foreseeable that training will be provided to the Steering Committees on Diversity.
Resumption of the Ulysses programme, a bet on inclusion and mobility
Transmitting the same culture to all the people comprising CIE Automotive, no matter which country they work in, and raising their profile within the company by means of mobility are key aspects of the human capital management effort, as set down in the ESG Estrategic Plan 2025.
One of the most important initiatives designed to deliver that cohesion is the Ulysses Programme, a project that combines mobility and talent management, in which young Mexicans and Brazilians attend an outstanding vocational training centre in the Basque region of Spain before receiving on-the-job training at the company’s legacy factories in Spain.
In that way it delivers four objectives: embedding the group’s values; facilitating cross-country engagement down the line; generating intragroup relationships; and providing the group with professionals trained in excellence.
A total of 12 students from Mexico, Brazil and India are participating in the second edition of the Ulysses Programme, which started in October 2022. The company is therefore on track to meeting the target set in the 2025 Strategic Plan, which established at least 15 students from 3 different countries of origin and at least 80% of the participants in the programme remaining in the group two years after the end of the programme.